Héros de guerre

  • Chine Ji jie hao (plus)
Chine / Hong Kong, 2007, 124 min

VOD (1)


1948. La campagne de Huaihai, durant la guerre civile chinoise, s'interrompt pour l'hiver. Le capitaine Guzidi, commandant la neuvième compagnie de l'armée populaire, mène une unité d'infanterie composée de seulement 46 hommes lors d'une mission de tirs pour défendre la rive sud de la rivière Wen. Ses ordres sont clairs: combattre jusqu'à ce que sonne le ralliement... (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I can't help but think that the more war movies I see, the more I realize that those people aren't actually heroes, but rather fools, willing to fight regardless of the reason. Patriotism, regime, politics, just about anything. The reasons are the same - they suck. It makes for great stories, which I find especially sad that they happened at all. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The first half is great, with decently filmed war turmoil, realistically presented and slightly brutal (could have been more), but the second half is absolutely devoid of action and I had trouble finishing it. I prefer dosed action rather than an hour of entertainment and the following hour of misery. 65%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Skillfully shot battle scenes are not everything. And if they're more graphic than Saving Private Ryan or Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War? So? Sure, two soldiers crawling between dismembered bodies is certainly gory, but if there was at least some suspense, if the characters weren't stupidly cut-and-dry, if the plot was more interesting... This is what I have to say about it: "Boooring." ()