
Comme à leur habitude, les amis décident de passer leur temps à jouer aux jeux vidéos, ce qui ne plaît guère à leurs compagnes, qui ont de toutes autres idées en tête. (Groupe Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Just about every gamer has faced a "Sophie's choice" moment in life. Whether it's unexpected visits, an unsupportive partner, the postman, a bout of diarrhea, burst water pipes, or even a fire, these interruptions always seem to happen right when players find themselves in a tough gaming spot — like a crucial boss fight where saving the game isn't an option, and the smallest mistake means losing several hours of progress. These are the moments when you realize just how unfair life can be. / Lesson learned: Life often shows you its unfriendly face. ()