
Penny a encore des doutes sur sa relation avec Léonard. Elle en parle avec Amy et Bernadette. Amy le répète à Sheldon qui déteste avoir à garder un secret... (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The opening episode of the sixth season didn't give me much to rave about, but right from the second one, I didn't need to go hunting for reasons to laugh — they just kept coming. Sure, it focused on relationships again, a scenario we've seen a bunch of times before, but I was totally okay with it because Sheldon added his unique twist to the whole thing. I even found myself enjoying the astronaut subplot this time around, so big thumbs up from me. / Lesson learned: Don't be soft and spoil your dog. ()

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