
Sheldon est un homme heureux : il a réussi à convaincre son idole, le professeur Proton, de venir lui rendre visite chez lui. Mais le pauvre professeur Proton a bien du mal à comprendre pourquoi deux scientifiques comme Sheldon et Leonard ont besoin de ses services. (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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anglais I generally have a positive relationship with animals, and I believe it's mutual. However, I just can't stand the excessive display of love for pets. Witnessing someone happily swapping saliva with their dog makes me cringe, especially when I consider what the dog licks on a daily basis. So, Raj's part of the episode certainly didn't sit well with me, but Professor Proton's visit managed to erase those negative feelings. I had a great time, although I'm concerned that the episode might make the price of potatoes skyrocket during the current energy crisis. / Lesson learned: Meeting your childhood idol can be a disappointment for one of the participants. ()