Futurama : Into The Wild Green Yonder

(compilation vidéo)
  • États-Unis Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder


Le promoteur Leo Wong est bien décidé à construire le plus grand parcours de minigolf de toute la galaxie, quitte a menacer de nombreuses espèces . Et alors que Bender tombe amoureux d'une femme mariée et que Leela devient hors-la-loi, des forces maléfiques tentent elles aussi d'empêcher un formidable renouveau écologique. Fry devient donc le dernier espoir de l'univers, recruté par un clochard pour une mission ultra-top-secret.... (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais So, we have reached the end. Probably. I expected that the filmmakers would have an ace or two up their sleeves for the last movie. It's true they did but there just weren't as many as I expected. Bender, for example, wasn’t given much space while Fry stole the best parts. The Professor and Zoidberg I think only had honorary cameos, and Nibbler disappeared completely. I don't want to criticize it too much because I liked the movie (the ending was ingenious and I'm really happy with it), but I can't help feeling that it could have been better. And the final preferential ranking of the Futurama movies? The Beast with a Billion Backs, Bender's Big Score, Bender's Game, Into the Wild Green Yonder. Bender's iconic scene #4: Bender's execution in the desert. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The quality of the Futurama movies is dropping. Few jokes, an uninteresting and stupid feminist eco-plot, Wong as a villain is useless. And the opening credits didn't work this time either (they certainly don't match the "yellow submarine" from the previous film). ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I really liked this episode, and it resonated with me a lot. It's entertaining, it's thoroughly offbeat, and once again, it addresses a lot of things, but it just works. Bender takes a bit of a backseat, but it's actually not a big deal because he usually delivers the best jokes from the sidelines. The combination of feminism and environmental protection here is truly fantastic. ()