
Jusque-là, Brad et Kate avaient toujours réussi à éviter de passer Noël en famille. Mais, cette année, c'est raté. Lorsqu'ils arrivent à l'aéroport, tous les vols sont annulés. Pire encore, ils passent au actualités, révélant à leur famille où ils se trouvent. Cette fois, plus d'échappatoire, ils vont devoir passer quatre Noëls en famille. Et ils ne seront pas déçus. (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Vince Vaughn has recently become a person that I definitely do not seek out, but sometimes a person simply needs to improve their mood with an undemanding comedy, which "Four Christmases" certainly is. Imagine the initial situation. Your family is not very happy. Your parents are divorced and live separately. It is similar in the family of your loved one. She also does not come from a family where the marriage ended happily. Currently, it is not such a big problem, but it arises when the families are supposed to visit each other. With which parents will you probably spend your Christmas? The couple in the film (Vaughn and Witherspoon) solves it simply. They lie a little to their parents and go on vacation alone. The parents do not mind and the couple is happy. At first glance, it's ideal. But what happens when the plane to their dream vacation cannot take off and the couple is also caught by a camera? Their families find out about them. They have no choice but to visit all four of their parents separately. Probably none of them imagined Christmas like this, and a visit from a child is not always welcome. However, "Four Christmases" is mainly a film about how people know each other and actually don't know each other. During the trip, the two lovers get to know each other more than in their whole previous life together. But it wouldn't be an American film if it didn't end well. Sometimes it is sentimental, as expected, but sometimes quite entertaining. I have to say that it is better than Vaughn's recent films, "Couples Retreat" and "The Dilemma". More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2012/12/umirajici-zvire-4-vanoce-slunce-seno-2.html ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Une fois de plus, Vince Vaughn assure et marque sur toute la ligne. Mes potes et moi allons chaque année voir un film au ciné la veille du 24 décembre et, cette année, on a choisi un véritable film de Noël. Sous la légère emprise d’une bière à l’hydromel, j’étais plié du début à la fin, claironnant d’excitation le nom de Vince. Les autres acteurs sont excellents également, surtout dans les passages liés à la famille de Reese où je me suis bien bidonné. Vince Vaughn est en pleine forme et j’espère qu’on aura bientôt droit à un « Tout… sauf en famille 2 ». ()

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