VOD (1)


"Interior Design" de Michel GONDRY : Un jeune couple tente de s'installer à Tokyo. L'ambition du jeune homme est claire, devenir réalisateur. Quant à sa compagne, plus indécise, elle a le sentiment diffus de perdre le contrôle de sa vie. Tous les deux se noient dans cette ville sans repères, jusqu'à ce que la jeune femme, trop seule, devienne l'objet d'une étrange transformation.

"Merde" de Leos CARAX : Une ignoble créature sème la panique et la mort dans les rues de Tokyo. Les media la surnomme "La Créature des Egouts". L'armée finit par la capturer.Il s'agit d'un homme d'une civilisation inconnue, qui se fait appeler Merde. Son procès déchaîne les passions.

"Shaking Tokyo" de BONG Joon-ho : Depuis plus de dix ans, il est hikikomori. Il vit enfermé dans son appartement, réduisant au strict minimum tout contact avec le monde extérieur. Lorsque la livreuse de pizza s'évanouit chez lui durant un tremblement de terre, l'impensable arrive, il tombe amoureux. Peu après il apprend que la jeune fille devient hikikomori à son tour. Osera-t-il franchir la porte qui sépare son appartement du reste du monde ? (Haut et Court)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Franz Kafka and Eugène Ionesco have their worthy successors among the current generation of filmmakers. It's absurd, provocative, crazy, comical, and simply extraordinary. The individual stories are based on interesting ideas and original processing, and I especially liked the first one - Interior Design, influenced by surrealism. I know similarly unnecessary people, and maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to deal with their existence this way. The third story about the alienation of people in a modern metropolis is also good. I think it's good that the film was shot in Tokyo by foreign filmmakers, and using a European approach confronted with Asian realities had a positive impact on the result. Overall impression: 90%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais “Neo-magic bizarre surrealism" like straight out of Murakami’s tales. Two Frenchmen, one Korean and as much originality that can fit into a space the size of Tokyo. Immediately, Gondry’s contribution sets a standard for the following tales that is so high, it is impossible to exceed. Which soon proves to be true, but even so the remaining two tales easily deserve a solid five stars. Although Merde (a sort of artsy Toxic Avenger) is perhaps a little longer than it needed to be while Shaking Tokyo on the other hand has a few loose ends. But who cares when even the “movie inside the movie" in Gondry’s tale alone is more original and more entertaining that ninety percent of movies that come to the movie theaters here in the Czech Republic. P.S.: And this certainly isn’t just an intellectual affairs for one in a thousand cinephiles, but rather a movie that can appeal to a wide range of viewers. It’s just that this range is rather more bizarre than usual. ()