
Après avoir quitté l'armée, Brian Flanagan essaie de se trouver un boulot à New-York, mais il n'a aucun diplôme. Il décide d'entamer des études tout en étant serveur dans un bar. La solution de facilité, pense-t-il. Mais ce boulot n'est pas aussi facile qu'il le pense. Le patron, Douglas Koglan, décide de lui apprendre tous les "trucs" : les façons de servir, les astuces de consommation, etc. En peu de temps, Brian devient très populaire. (ESC Distribution)


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anglais Tom Cruise is surprisingly charming behind the bar and his poetic escapades will bring a pleasant feeling of a light smile to many viewers. And although the story about how a nobody came to money and fortune is quite clichéd, with the sound of a 80s pop, pleasant nostalgia and plenty of alcohol, you can't completely dismiss it. The romantic line is predictable to a fault, the actions of the main character are sometimes slightly foolish, and the whole thing is overly sentimental and shallow, but Roger Donaldson's creation is unusually likeable, and even though you will shake your every 5 minutes, you can't help but yearn for the Hollywood that used to be during the final credits. ()

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