VOD (1)


14 Octobre 1962. Un avion espion américain découvre que l'Union Soviétique installe des missiles nucléaires sur l'île de Cuba. Les villes les plus importantes des Etats-Unis peuvent désormais être détruites en quelques minutes. Pour le président John Kennedy, la menace est intolérable. Soutenu et aidé par son frère, Bobby, assisté par son ami et homme de confiance, Kenny O'Donnell, les trois hommes vont tout tenter pour faire plier l'URSS au risque de déclencher une guerre nucléaire totale. Un bras de fer qui va durer 13 jours et qui aurait pu conduire à la fin de la civilisation telle que nous la connaissons. (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Given the theme, it’s too self-aware and not pathetic enough. It's basically a film made on a shoestring in one set – those 80 million must have gone to the cast, because it certainly weren’t spent on the visual effects that look from the 1980s. But it's quite dynamic with a very strong theme, and Bruce Greenwood gives JFK a fluidity and charisma apparently very similar to what the memoirs say the real Kennedy possessed. It’s not all that watchable, but it’s very nice to listen to. The most dramatic scenes are the ones where they talk in a huddle, that’s not something you want to see every day. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I can't really criticize the film much. Donaldson didn't really have to try too hard (it's not really about dazzling creative filmmaking) because the historical events, when the world was just a step away from World War III, guaranteed a spectacle filled with emotions and tension. I would appreciate less pathos, references to religious faith, and blatant invocation of family values. But as I've heard others say, that's just part of America and the director actually held back. There is a bit too much of Kevin Costner in the film but considering his involvement in the production, it's understandable. Moreover, this film is among the best in his career. Overall impression: 75%. ()