Ultime évasion, The escapist

  • Grande-Bretagne The Escapist


Parce que sa fille est mourante et qu'il veut se réconcilier avec elle avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, Frank Perry échafaude, depuis sa prison, un plan ultime pour s'évader... mais une bande de détenus très spéciaux se greffe sur ses plans, pour le meilleur et pour le pire ! (Haut et Court)

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anglais The first series of Prison Break, British-style in a 100-minute serving. And without conspiratorial touches. At least that's what it looks like at first. Fortunately, this is not the case. The big problem with the movie is that it all stands on one aspect, and once you see through it, (and it's so cheap and ill-considered that an experienced viewer won't be in the dark for long), there's nothing to watch any more. If you don't see through it, you're at an advantage this time. It's an escape film, but most of the time without tension or fear for the characters. Potbellied Brian Cox is excellent, but the rest of the ensemble is there to take up space. An average movie like dozens of others on the rental store shelves. ()