
Marlene Dietrich joue le rôle d'Helen, une ancienne danseuse de cabaret mariée à un scientifique américain, Edward Faraday (Herbert Marshall), malheureusement contaminé par du radium. Pour gagner de l'argent dans le but de soigner son mari en Europe, Helen retourne sur scène, dans la rôle de la "Vénus Blonde", et fait un véritable tabac chaque nuit. Elle se sent aussi très attirée par un fringant homme politique : Nick Townsend (Cary Grant) captivé par la Vénus Blonde, qui va lui offrir un soutien financier. Townsend offre à Helen et à son fils un magnifique appartement, mais quand Edward revient inopinément d'Europe pour retrouver son fils, il en exige la garde. Femme déchirée entre son mari, son amant, sa carrière et son enfant, Dietrich livre une interprétation éblouissante qui fait de ce film l'un des plus populaires de la déesse de l'écran. (Universal Pictures FR)


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anglais - Which one do you want to hear? - The one about Germany. - But you've heard that one so often. - I want to hear it again. - Ned. - Coming. - All set, Daddy? - You bet. - Go on, Mummy. - It was springtime in Germany, and it was warm. l had spring fever and the air was full of blossoms. - Now it's your turn. - Let's see. l was out with some other students on a walking trip... and pretty soon we came to a dragon sitting in an automobile... who told us there was a magic pool in the forest. - And what did you do? - We went to the pool, of course. - And what do you suppose we saw? - What? - lmagine! Half a dozen princesses taking a bath. - And what did you do when you saw him? - l told him to go away. - And did he? - He did not. - And what happened then? - The most beautiful princess of all... said that if I’d go away, she'd grant me my wish. - And what did you wish? - l wished to see her again. l couldn't think of anything better to wish. So that night l went to a theatre, and music began to play. And out upon the stage stepped this princess....and she looked more beautiful than ever. She was beautiful! - And then your heart began to go like this? And Mummy began to sing? - And my heart stopped beating entirely. - What happened to you when you saw him? - l could hardly sing, and l could barely wait until l saw him again. - But you did see him again, didn't you? - l met him later that night. - What happened then? - You can never guess. We went walking. - Go on, walk. - Okay, skipper. - And then we came to a park. - Only there was a tremendously large yellow moon up in the sky. lt was altogether too big and too bright. - But it was dark under the trees, very dark. - This is a tree, Johnny. - And what happened under the tree? - Then he kissed me. - And what happened after that? - He gave me another kiss. - And what happened then? - Then we were married. - And then? - And then we started to think about you... ()

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