Sita chante le blues

  • États-Unis Sita Sings the Blues
États-Unis, 2008, 82 min


Nina Paley


Valmiki (livre)


Nina Paley


Pooja Kumar, Reena Shah, Nina Paley
(autres professions)


Sita, déesse indienne et épouse dévouée, est répudiée par son mari, Rama. Nina (la réalisatrice elle-même) dresse un parallèle entre sa vie et celle de Sita quand son propre mari, installé en Inde, met fin à leur mariage par e-mail... Adaptation musicale du Râmâyana, célèbre épopée de la mythologie indienne, Sita chante le blues mêle tragédie ancienne et comédie contemporaine. Singes volants, monstres et dragons, dieux et déesses, bulbes oculaires ailés sont chorégraphiés avec la musique d'Annette Hanshaw, chanteuse jazz des années 20. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If this film wasn't primarily a therapeutic tool for Nina Paley to use on herself, she has certainly and effectively offered it to everyone around the world whose relationships are in tatters. The incredibly authentic feelings that can only be healed with the help of shared pain and its translation into an interpretation of a classic epic is something that is simply amazing. Rarely have I been so torn between chills of realism and a feast for the eyes, humor, and beautiful blues. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais After the calculated and overrated Slumdog Millionaire, Sita Sings the Blues brought me great joy and rehabilitated the world of Indian culture in my eyes. We are used to high-quality animation using various techniques, but besides several animation styles, Sita Sings the Blues features five artistic techniques, precision in execution, a humorous perspective, and an imaginative confrontation with the Western world. On one hand, Sita sings jazz songs from the 1920s in one storyline, and on the other hand, through a parallel story of an American married couple in the present, the director shows us that women have not had it easy with men in the past and do not have it easy today. It may be a small satisfaction for them that it works perfectly the other way around as well. The film itself tells the story of Sita's wife and her husband Rama simply, based on the classic Indian literature "Ramayana." One can also appreciate the exotic visual concept based on Indian cultural traditions. Sita Sings the Blues is imaginative, colorful, and simply has a swing. Overall impression: 95%. ()