Un mariage de rêve

  • Grande-Bretagne Easy Virtue


Les années 20 avaient rugi... les années 30 devaient swinguer ! John Whittaker, jeune Anglais de bonne famille, tombe fou amoureux de Larita, superbe aventurière américaine. Il l'épouse sur le champ et la ramène dans le manoir de ses parents. Si Mr Whittaker n'est pas insensible au charme de sa belle-fille, l'allergie est instantanée chez Mrs Whittaker. La guerre des piques commence. Larita comprend vite qu'elle doit riposter si elle ne veut pas perdre John. Les étincelles fusent... jusqu'au jour où le passé secret de Larita est révélé à tous. Elle décide alors de frapper un dernier grand coup. (Pyramide Distribution)


Vidéo (2)


Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais You know those harmless comedies that you find primarily in the repertoire of Vinohrady Theatre or Na Jezerce Theatre, almost certainly starring Jirásková or Hrušinský? One of those plays that you would never go to alone, but when you take Mom, Granny, Dad and anybody else from the family to it, you can be sure that you will survive, your parents will be happy, Granny will be over the moon about how Jirásková is still enchanting and jumps about like a spring deer. Well this is exactly the same. So much so, that I’m just waiting for it to appear in the Vinohrady Theatre repertoire, starring Jirásková and guest-starring Hrušinský. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Great actors, a beautiful English period setting and that unmistakable British humour. It looks great, but it all struck me as a very unstable set-up that was about to fall apart at any moment. There were a lot of funny scenes, but there were some pretty boring passages alongside them. I have no complaints about the cast, they were all well chosen and, as I have a soft spot for period films, I enjoyed myself here. All in all, an average comedy that could have been more striking and definitely could have been made better. ()

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