
Des tranchées de Corée à l’enfer du Vietnam, le sergent Tom Highway a passé trente ans au service de l’armée pour se voir remercié. Sa dernière chance : l’instruction de jeunes recrues. Il se trouve confronté à une garnison qui se laisse aller, encadrée par des officiers ambitieux ou inefficaces. Tom Highway prend les choses en mains, sa méthode : la dure ! Alors que les classes touchent à leur fin, les Marines reçoivent l’ordre d’embarquer pour un obscur îlot des Caraïbes… (Warner Bros. Home Ent. FR)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Something between Full Metal Jacket and G.I. Jane, but lacking the raw war setting of the former and the tough abandon and testosterone of the latter. Clint Eastwood is a cool tough guy and his fights the pumped-up Marines are cool to watch, but the action itself (especially the final set piec) is one big confusing mess. I don't know what Eastwood (behind the camera) was playing at, but the result is a failure that completely misses the mark as a simulation of combat. The slightly satirical subtext and plenty of one-liners are cool and mostly spot-on and funny in the given situation. Everett McGill trained his toughness and arrogance here for Under Siege 2, where he is even better and cooler by several notches. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I thought Clint Eastwood would come up with a military blockbuster that will make me laugh as it happened perhaps only with the M.A.S.H. 4077. But it’s still not a bad movie. Heartbreak Ridge has a classic idea, a classic rendition, just as classic course and an even more classic conclusion. In fact, it’s all absolutely average. This is improved by Clint Eastwood himself, who as a sergeant employed certain slightly harsh methods, and his platoon ignored him. This creates a lot of good but also bad situations and the biggest problem lies with the platoon. I couldn’t stand those guys. The actors portrayed them as a band of usual douchebags in a way that I had to root for Clint, who at least kept showing some effort throughout the film. ()