
Ren et sa mère Ethel quittent Chicago pour une petite ville. Passionné de rock et danseur effréné, Ren heurte les conceptions morales de la communauté et de son pasteur, maître à penser du lieu. C'est alors que Ren tombe amoureux de la fille du pasteur et que les autres jeunes se rallient à Ren... (Paramount Pictures FR)

Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's a remake and nothing else. All the scenes are essentially the same, just slightly modernized, but there are no plot surprises, and many scenes literally repeat themselves, just with different actors. I don't understand what the point of such a work is. It's nice to look at, but it's just a newer copy, nothing extra. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Get ready for some serious dancing!? Oh come on, where? To be honest, the choreography in this movie didn't grab me by the heartstrings, or by anything else, let alone the music that accompanied it all. I really like dancing, but this didn't really grab me. Neither did the story. The kid had a pretty good character, but that’s hardly enough to carry an entire movie like this. Nor is the friend who doesn’t dance. I don't even know who I could recommend this movie to... ()