Des nouilles aux haricots noirs

  • Corée du Sud Kimssi pyoryugi (plus)
Bande-annonce 2


Suite à une tentative de suicide ratée, M. Kim se retrouve sur l'île de Bam, au beau milieu de la rivière Han. Il réalise que mettre fin à ses jours n'est pas si facile et décide de rester sur cette île déserte. Alors qu'il commence à s'adapter à sa nouvelle vie sauvage, il trouve un message dans une bouteille flottant sur l'eau. Pour la première fois depuis très longtemps, il reprend espoir... (Orange Cinéma Séries)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais One is imprisoned in solitude voluntarily, the other is not. And through that solitude, they find each other. But to avoid losing each other again, they must leave their island. A very interesting film that certainly makes you think. I was expecting a comedy thanks to the poster, but I didn't get that much. Sure, there are some funny moments, but that's not what the film is made for. A slightly melancholic film (but in a frenetic way) that leaves you with a few questions, but no answers. What it's guaranteed to leave you with, though, is the inherent satisfaction of having seen it. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This movie is above all unique. Where do you meet a man who is stranded in the middle of a huge city and a girl who won't leave her room? A touching story and above all a fantastic treatment. All so unforced and light. Except for a few weak and almost unnecessary places, very good. I think cutting it by just 10 minutes would have made the film even more interesting. 5 stars. ()