

Japanese anime series about a schoolboy who finds himself transformed into a strange creature. Living on the peaceful island of Sentan, Akiyuki (voice of Atsushi Abe)'s world is turned upside down when, along with his best friends Haru (Fumiko Orikasa) and Furuichi (Shinnosuke Tachibana), he is caught up in an explosion on the school bus. When he finally wakes, Akiyuki finds himself in the midst of a strange light which enters his arm, transforming him into Xam'd: a powerful bio-mecha capable of enormous power. (Manga Home Entertainment)


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anglais From a captivating plot to action-packed scenes and well-developed characters, all the way to crushing twists and a surprising finale, Xam'd: Lost Memories gradually and subtly escalates (becoming even deadlier in the second half) with an incredibly smooth progression, and I will easily forgive its occasionally overly abstract and mysterious storyline, leading, for example, through the Quickening Chamber. All of Akiyuki's battles, Nakiami's courage, and Raigyo's charisma fit perfectly into this adventure of self-sacrifice, rediscovery, and redemption, and in the genre of intelligently crafted action-packed sci-fi, it unquestionably triumphs. ()