
Gerry et Tom Jeffers s’aiment passionnément mais leur situation financière est critique. Souhaitant aider son mari, inventeur, à trouver les fonds pour démarrer son dernier projet, Gerry décide de le quitter par amour. Elle est bien déterminée à rejoindre Palm Beach afin d’y rencontrer un homme riche qui pourra rembourser leurs dettes et résoudre ainsi leurs problèmes… Tom, ne comprenant pas son attitude, se lance à sa poursuite. (Wild Side Video)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Preston Sturges continues to show that screwball comedies are his forte and that he is capable of creating excellent characters. Here, it is beautifully manifested and the supporting roles are hilariously entertaining. Especially Toto is unforgettable. However, the film also captivates with its story, which may seem simple at first glance, but the plot unfolds beautifully, bringing us back to the beginning once again. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is a pleasant remarriage screwball. The charming Claudette Colbert carries the whole story on her own spicy shoulders. There are a thousand popular "I am someone else" situations (popular in their time). Of the male ensemble, I have to single out the sexy Rudy Vallée, who was still singing in Fleischers with Betty Boop in the early 1930s. I have to also praise the emigrant Sigi Arno, who for a change rampaged in German cinema during Weimar times (often alongside Anny Ondra) and eventually saved himself in the role of funny foreigners who, although not understood, are also not racially abused. ()