Community - Season 1 (2009) (saison)

Économie domestique (S01E08)

  • États-Unis Home Economics

VOD (1)


Des problèmes d'argent mènent Jeff de son appartement au dortoir d'Abed tandis qu'Annie cherche à attirer l'attention de Troy en l'aidant à planifier un pique-nique romantique avec une autre étudiante. (Amazon Prime Video)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Another swift nosedive after I praised the last episode. The only real upside to this episode was that the plot wasn't downright terrible. But, that's pretty much it. Can't say I had a good time with it. The creators dabbled in a bunch of storylines, but none of them hit the humor level I was expecting, so it ended up being pretty dull. / Lesson learned: Assist the homeless only when you're mentally prepared for it. ()