Community - Season 2 (2010) (saison)

Anthropologie appliquée et art culinaire (S02E22)

  • États-Unis Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts


À la fin du semestre, le partiel d'anthropologie est interrompu lorsque Shirley est prise de contractions. Andre et Chang assistent à cette naissance tant attendue. (Netflix)

Critiques (1)

Établir des priorités :

Necrotongue Boo !

Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais "Push, push, push, push!!!" Man, that was a bit too much for my taste. The "humor" in this episode revolved around childbirth, and it just didn't land for me. The only saving grace, as always, was the final scene with Troy and Abed. I'd gladly do without the entire preceding plot because it was annoying and unfunny. / Lesson learned: Don't sell yourself short. At least not too short. ()