Community - Season 3 (2011) (saison)

L'Horreur En Sept Étapes (S03E05)

  • États-Unis Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps


Comme un test de personnalité suggère qu'un membre du groupe est un maniaque sanguinaire, rien de mieux que d'horribles histoires d'Halloween pour démasquer le tueur. (Netflix)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Last time, the whole alternate timelines thing really got me hyped, and when I heard the fifth episode was going to be Halloween-themed, I was pumped like a kid in a candy store. Unfortunately, what I got wasn't the epic Halloween experience I was hoping for—it was more like a weird, half-hearted party with some spooky stories thrown in. Unlike the dice-rolling in the last episode, this one just didn't do it for me. Honestly, Dan dropped the ball on this one. / Lesson learned: Do you want to analyze your own psyche? There are probably less horrifying activities out there. ()