
À travers les âges, les récits d'aventures ont édifié l'image du vaillant chevalier, prompt à secourir les damoiselles en détresse, à combattre les dragons et à venir à bout de tous les maux de la terre. Mais derrière chaque figure héroïque se cache un frérot empoté dont le seul mot d'ordre est d'éviter tous les risques hardiment défiés par son aîné. Thadeous a grandi dans l'ombre de Fabious, le premier-né et prétendant au trône, dont les exploits sans cesse renouvelés lui valent l'adoration de son peuple. Las de se voir dénier le prestige, les révérences et une ascension possible à la couronne, Thadeous s'adonne aux plaisirs faciles que lui procurent les herbes magiques, les potions alcoolisées et les jouvencelles de petite vertu, jusqu'au jour où la promise de Fabious et future reine Belladonna disparaît aux mains de l'infâme sorcier Leezar. Sa majesté de père livre enfin à sa chiffe molle de fils un ultimatum: se ressaisir et aider son aîné à délivrer sa bien-aimée ou se voir banni du royaume. Notre pétochard de Thadeous s'embarque à contrecœur dans sa première épopée aux côtés de Fabious. princesse en péril. (Universal International FR)


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Critiques (11)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français La bande-annonce est assez trompeuse à cet égard, car la plupart des blagues sont des allusions au sexe, à l'homosexualité, à la masturbation et aux parties génitales. Les personnages secondaires sont pervers. Parfois amusant, parfois gênant, certainement pas normal. Il en va de même pour le film dans son intégralité. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais “Magic. Motherfucker!” An idiosyncratic approach to the fantasy genre in which the situations known from such films are spiced up with assorted variations of the word “fuck” and jokes based on somewhat juvenile awareness of the sexual differences between men and women and the possibility of copulation between one sex and the other (in other words: vagina here, penis there and a lot of  fucking). This approach isn’t very laborious, as it derives comedy exclusively from the uttering of words that are inappropriate in the given context. With a success rate of one out of every three or four attempts, there are many deaf spots in the film, not to mention the highly misogynistic ogling and treatment of the female characters. I was entertained in places and I recognised the amount of money invested in the money shots (though greater cheapness and self-deprecation wouldn’t have hurt anything), but this is something that I didn’t like enough that I would want to see it again. 60% ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A fairytale crossed with a toker’s comedy with the bombastic background music by Jablonsky and the amazing, breathtaking, gorgeous and wonderful Natalie Portman that has the perfect pace (the story, not Natalie) and presents us things that you would have never imagined. Or maybe you could imagine it, but you wouldn’t believe that someone could have the balls to put things like that into a movie that only a dumb and irresponsible parent would take their seven-year-old to see. P.S.: Franco’s singing is awfully out of tune. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I mean it when I say I’d rather see Seth Rogen as Prince Thade, but whatever. This is an unbelievable torrent of the most vulgar, cheap, and lowest form of humor that can flow out of the Hollywood cesspit, and so turning up our noses at the oppressive preachers of morality who don't find this funny is certainly appropriate. I was roaring with laughter from the very beginning, only to realize a third of the way through that the film has a well-constructed regular fantasy story, which works mainly thanks to the great set design and Jablonsky’s perfect music. I don't care whether the film is really that perfect or I just happened to be in the right mood for it, and I give it a full score without any reservations. [PS: Natalie’s bath is exactly the moment when a guy’s brain inevitably bleeds out because his heart is pumping in a completely different direction. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Danny McBride wrote a script tailored to himself, invited some of his buddies from Pineapple Express along for the ride... and yet again, it for the most part didn't turn out well. Though I wasn't suffering too much this time, the humor aims solely at sexual innuendos, which can get boring relatively quickly on a hundred-minute running time. And that simplicity is a terrible shame, because the cinematography is actually well done, Steve Jablonsky nails it as usual, and Natalie Portman effortlessly steals every scene. A forgiving 50% and an unnecessary disappointment. ()

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