
A Port-Réal, les affaires politiques reprennent de plus belle. Sur la grande route qui menait à la capitale des Sept Royaumes, le roi avait fait part à Eddard Stark de ses craintes sur l'avenir et sur les intentions des survivants de la dynastie des Targaryen. Quand il apprend que ceux-ci se sont alliés au peuple Dothraki, son sang ne fait qu'un tour. En réaction, il ordonne un assassinat, contre l'avis d'Eddard. De son côté, ayant capturé Tyrion Lannister, Catelyn Stark l'emmène chez sa soeur. Arya Stark, quant à elle, surprend une conversation qui menace la vie de son père... (Canal+)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais A superbly crafted episode that offered me everything I wanted - great atmosphere, tension, intrigue, and even high-quality action. I thoroughly enjoyed it the whole time. I was fascinated by the different approaches the characters took towards the potential threat of the Dothraki invasion. While the king wants to kill Daenerys, Hora has already started preparing provisions for the invaders. The only thing that managed to disgust me was the obligatory gay scene. I think HBO would do better if they abandoned all the soft porn they implant into all of their shows. Every viewer can satisfy their desires on the internet if they wish. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Amazing episode. Breathtaking scenes of the Erie with the visual opulence of classic big movies, a great duel of Stark vs Lannister and overall a very plot-dense episode where the pieces on the chessboard move forward at a very fast pace. Most of the story revolves around the troubles in the capital, the wilderness part doesn't get any space at all this time. A balanced and thick episode. ()