
La nouvelle de la mort d'Eddard se propage à travers les Sept Royaumes. Catelyn interroge Jaime Lannister à propos de la chute de son fils Bran alors que les seigneurs du Nord choisissent Robb comme nouveau roi. Dans la garnison de la Garde de Nuit, Jon Snow veut rejoindre Robb mais ses frères d'armes l'en dissuadent. Sur l'autre continent, Daenerys se réveille et apprend que l'enfant qu'elle portait n'a pas survécu à l'accouchement... (Canal+)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais A spectacular ending to the season that captivates with scenes as heroic as they are intimate. It’s one of the few episodes with a minimum of filler, the story has drive and has nothing redundant or gratuitous. The motivations of the characters are clear, unambiguous, the twists are minimal. Things are likely to be more drastic in the coming season. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The season finale was anything but conclusive. Instead of wrapping things up, it clearly sets the stage for more to come. I thoroughly enjoy the conversations between Tywin and Tyrion, but the interactions between Tyrion and Shae are pure torture for me. Daenerys' storyline didn’t captivate me much throughout, yet ironically, her final scene was one of the most intriguing moments of the entire season. ()