
A Winterfell, Daenerys, Jon et les survivants se remettent de la bataille de la nuit. Différentes stratégies se mettent en place. Arya, Bran et Sansa veulent parler à Jon. Daenerys est décidée à suivre son destin. Les regards se tournent vers le Sud et la capitale Port-Réal dirigée par Cersei... (Canal+)

Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The fourth episode brought a welcome change - no more relying solely on audio cues; we finally got some visuals! But aside from that, it left me scratching my head. With the darkness lifted, it exposed a bunch of inconsistencies. Like, why would anyone let an army with long-range weapons just stroll onto their turf? And why wouldn't the enemy take advantage of that? I doubt Tyrion would hobble more than a hundred meters to the walls. Also, a deflowering took place, but given what we've seen in the past seven seasons, I'm pretty sure it was the only one left. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais A return to the roots, with intrigue, strategy, scheming and deceit. That’s what we loved so much about the older seasons, when there weren't huge budgets or a general hype about something unseen. The most GoT episode of the Season 8 with a heart-attack inducing scene with a dragon and a psychological rollercoaster for Daenarys. ()