
  • États-Unis Cherish


Ne supportant pas de rester seule, Zoe, vingt ans, ramène constamment chez elle des amis ou des amours de passage. Pour fuir la réalité, elle s'imagine un monde idéal bercé par les tubes des années soixante-dix et quatre-vingt. Mais un jour, sa vie bascule: après un verre de trop, elle a un accident de voiture et provoque la mort d'un policier. Zoe est alors condamnée à expérimenter un nouveau programme pénal de "prison à domicile". Retenue par un bracelet électronique, elle vit enfermée chez elle, avec pour unique compagnon un officier chargé de la surveiller. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (1)

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anglais There are many slightly independent, slightly minimalist, and easily overlooked films. It's from such works that the biggest surprises eventually emerge. Cherish is just such a film. For director Finn Taylor, all he needed to adapt his own script was the minimal space of a cleaned-out apartment and the occasional glimpse of the street. The seemingly uneventful plot is propelled forward by technical tricks, including camera work, nervously humming music, and unstable soundscapes. It is a drama that engrosses, a thriller that keeps you on edge, and a dark comedy that guarantees laughter. Genre-wise, Cherish cannot be clearly classified. Taylor plays a sophisticated game with the audience, never giving them a moment to catch their breath, as he prepares unexpected changes not only in the film's genre but also in plot twists and character transformations. Robin Tunney, not an exceptionally amazing actress, delivers an absolutely excellent performance, perhaps as a gesture of gratitude for such a role. Fear, accidents, or just pure love. We condemn it, we don't understand it, but we always cheer. A small film that caught my attention purely by chance ultimately rewarded me royally for my sacrificed time. ()

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