Heart of Karl

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Court métrage / Horreur / Drame / Action
Canada, 2008, 19 min


Steven Kostanski


Jeremy Gillespie, Matthew Kennedy

Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The atmosphere reminded me of Hellraiser, which is a very good sign for an amateur creator. With more money, better actors and feature length it could be a proper horror gem, as it is, it’s only alright. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's cheap, it's old, it's terrible. The make-up and visual effects look like they're from Power Rangers, the image is barely 5 pixels, the blood couldn't be properly seen, the CGI is like from the 90s, there's no honest manual work. Well, it was excruciating to watch even those twenty minutes. 1 Star, I don't even know why. ()