J'ai rencontré le Diable

  • Corée du Sud Night of the Subtropical Zones (titre de travail) (plus)
Bande-annonce 3


Un agent des services secrets entreprend de traquer le tueur de son amie, en éliminant les suspects identifiés par la police. Il a fait un serment : soumettre le meurtrier aux mêmes tortures que celles subies par sa fiancée... (Potemkine Films)

Vidéo (4)

Bande-annonce 3

Critiques (8)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Thriller régulier du genre "vengeur légal contre tueur en série", mais tellement naturaliste et brutal que les équivalents américains ne comprennent toujours pas. Un film cruel et cyniquement divertissant qui vous attrape et ne vous lâche pas. Il y a quelques erreurs de durée mais cela n'affaiblit pas l'impression finale géniale. Brillant du point de vue des performances et de la forme, et avec un scénario plus sophistiqué, c'est un solide 5 étoiles. Ce n'est pas pour les âmes sensibles. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais In a way, it's a work of genius. On the other hand, I'm a little ashamed to be so positive about so much evil. But I've been taught that "such is life". I have huge sympathy for Byeong-heon Lee and I understood all his inhumane actions the whole time. He simply had a lot to avenge. Again, no one could have been better chosen for the role of the devil than Min-sik Choi. I often thought it was too open-ended, but otherwise the viewer probably wouldn't have properly felt the desire for revenge. My 5 stars are for the fantastic script and great acting and direction. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I was ready for everything, from pure brutal carnage to an experimental revenge-thriller, where all the murders would be served exclusively to the accompaniment of classical music or sped-up editing, but in the end I got, how to say it politely.... nothing. Not that I'm questioning a certain formal level, the impressive sets, the believable actors or a few rather suggestive shots, but in short, I've learned to expect a bit more from these foreign film than just shocking content completely devoid of common sense or a sense of proper hyperbole. I Saw the Devil has such a bad script that every twist and turn dissipates the tension that has been painstakingly built up, and even, which is unheard of, all the main characters leave with the label "dumbass" on their foreheads. Moreover, the brutality is nowhere near the level needed to move the story into a more friendly experiential league, and so the only truly positive things remain a few nice references to other genre works and a poignant sexual undertone that, at least at times, brings to mind the atmosphere of twisted human souls so familiar from The Silence of the Lambs or Se7en. 45% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Too lengthy, too inconsistent. Ji-un Kim knows how to make a film, I won’t argue against that, but I don’t know whether I was supposed to get something out of this one, or only be entertained (or something else), it didn’t succeed at either anyway. I just watched it without much interest and forgot about it. There are a couple of suggestive scenes, the violence is unpleasant, but as a whole it’s from a different realm than I like visiting. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I don’t know of a single Korean movie that isn’t interesting in some way, even though I believe that there are such pieces. Anyhow, in comparison to some other Asian countries, I feel like that one is the closest to us, Europeans. I Saw the Devil was filmed by a very interesting director and I was very curious to see how he handles such an interesting premise. In about half of the movie, it completely shifted. At that point I thought that if some plot twist doesn’t come, it could be the end of it. And I was right. One character who was neutral-good up until that point has done such a 180 turn that it left me speechless. At that moment, the movie became a monster hunt. It’s just a shame that it was too long and stretched out too thin. In any case, the ending in itself was definitely worth it and it changed my original three-star rating to a solid four-star one. I watched this for the Challenge Tour 2015. ()

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