The Borgias - Season 2 (2012) (saison)

Vérité et mensonges (S02E08)

  • Canada Truth and Lies (plus)


Juan Borgia revient auréolé de gloire du siège tenu autour du château de Caterina Sforza, à Forli. Cesare apprend une autre version des faits par Hernando. (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The eighth episode was actually quite solid. With the intense rivalry and scheming between brothers taking center stage, along with the anti-Papal maneuvers thrown into the mix, there was never a dull moment. Everything unfolded at a satisfying pace, and I particularly relished the intricate maneuvering around Lucrezia's potential marriage. Overall, it left me pretty content. 4*+ ()