
Sur les traces de leur amie Luisa, un petit groupe se retrouve aux prises avec une organisation secrète détentrice du Necronomicon : Le Livre des Morts. Ils découvrent alors que ce grimoire fait le lien entre notre monde et celui de créatures plus anciennes que nos civilisations. Vont-ils pouvoir refermer la faille que ce livre a ouvert ? (Condor)


Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Surprisingly, I liked it a bit more than the first part. Most of the film focuses on events in the present, something I welcomed because the long section taking place in the past killed the first part. It’s basically one long film divided in two episodes, and both are almost on the same level of quality. Maybe I was in a better mood this time (and the expectations were lower, too), so I’m magnanimous with The Valdemar Legacy II. Regardless, I’m very glad that horror films where heroes run over a crumbling bridge (obviously artificial), only to find an ugly (obviously CGI) monster (or Cthulhu, whatever that was) at the other end are an exception these days. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's nice that there are people who continue the legacy of Grandmaster Lovecraft. In this case, even the creator himself appears in the story. Played by a Spanish actor, of course. It's very similar to the first film, essentially styled like a television miniseries. Great moments right alongside weak ones. ()


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