

Fin de la Période d’Edo. Un démon massacre des milliers de personnes. Après l’avoir vaincu, les Chevaliers de la Croix-Vraie scellent son œil gauche dans le recoin le plus secret de l’Académie afin que celui- ci ne puisse plus causer de dégâts. Mais dernièrement, il a été dérobé et un enfant a été pris en otage. Rin, Yukio et leurs camarades se portent volontaires pour participer à cette enquête qui les mènera à Kyôto dans les méandres d’une conjuration particulièrement sombre... (ADN)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais For a series that didn't really grab me the first time around, I quite liked the second one. The characters and their feelings worked better, and it was easier to relate to them and even like them. Again, it's also nicely drawn, so I was satisfied. Especially because the story was interesting, managed to be action packed, and of course like any Shōnen had its funny moments. Last, I liked the opening and the ending. Basically, I don't have much to say about it. I liked it, I liked it. I don't even know why. The main thing is that I left happy. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais So then the anime creators' attention returned to the original manga... For fans of the manga, this is certainly good news; however, for the rest, it is a real mess at first because it does not act as a follow-up. Or rather, it does serve as a follow-up, albeit from a different place than one would expect. However, in the end, I guess it does not really matter; the main thing is that the Okumura brothers are back, and Satan gets to enjoy himself again for a while. Finally, this is a respectable follow-up to one of the things I now consider a classic, so despite the slower start, it is still a very good 7/10. ()