
PERCY JACKSON - LA MER DES MONSTRES est une aventure fantastique, où un groupe d'adolescents, en apparence ordinaires, sont en réalité les descendants de Dieux grecs dotés de pouvoirs magiques. Lancés dans une course contre la montre, et en compétition les uns contre les autres, ces demi-dieux vont devoir traverser la terrifiante Mer des Monstres et combattre des créatures mythiques afin de récupérer la Toison d'Or, qui, elle seule, peut les sauver. (20th Century Fox FR)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The first Percy Jackson was a kind of a light-hearted American family fantasy flick that I liked and I was quite impressed with. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the second, as I found it too commercial and focused on a lot of wannabe funny scenes and moments that didn't entertain me as much as they probably originally intended. The rehashing of Greek myths, which was touched upon by a number of users here, also bothered me quite a bit in the end. In short, a film that will probably entertain younger audiences and undemanding fantasy fans the most. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Slightly less dumb than the first instalment. Still dumb enough to rank among the trashiest fantasy blockbusters of today. I don’t know where the creators find enough confidence to shoot one sequel after another, pouring money down the drain. I think that these young adult fantasy stories don’t stand a chance unless they are as brutal as for example Hunger Games. To create a fantasy world that is not stupid is not as easy as it looks. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A film that promises a whole sea of creatures in its title, but in the end only gives you a few, because that's all that's needed. It will be enough. The viewer will feel like they're getting a completely great spectacle, even though it's just a combination of several tales, and it's truly a terrible mishmash. The attempt at witty lines is nice, there's just not enough of them. The younger audience might like this, they probably won't mind the tarnishing of the tales so much. ()