The Raid

  • France Le Commando (plus)
Bande-annonce 1


Au cœur des quartiers pauvres de Jakarta, se trouve une citadelle imprenable dans laquelle se cache le plus dangereux trafiquant du pays. Une équipe de policiers d’élite est envoyée donner l’assaut lors d’un raid secret mené aux premières lueurs du jour. Mais grâce à ses indics, le baron de la drogue est déjà au courant et a eu amplement le temps de se préparer. A l’instant où le groupe d’intervention pénètre dans l’immeuble, le piège se referme : les portes sont condamnées, l’électricité est coupée et une armée d’hommes surentrainés débarque. Piégés dans cet immeuble étouffant, les policiers vont devoir se battre étage après étage pour avoir une chance de survivre. (SND)


Critiques (10)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais That long-haired walking holocaust especially, who gives soda to the main characters even with a fluorescent light down his throat, is really growing on me, and the fact that the animals are really, really badly hurting each other and it looks so real that I'm still not sure there weren't people dying in the filming, gives truth to the claim that films kicked off with a convo like "Here’s a building and a million bucks, do what you want." "Okay." might be the real thing. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A handful of cops, a billion Asian butchers and a building where even Chuck Norris would shit his pants. In other words, a manual for success. We can finally confirm that the aura of an exceptional film built around this Indonesian action sensation since its première at the Toronto Film Festival a few months ago is the real deal. The Raid: Redemption is the kind of film you really don’t see every day. A relentless action ride, brutal, intense and at times terrifying. It’s hard to talk in detail about this beauty, it has to be seen. It’s been long since a genre five-stars was this pure :) ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Don't blame me for the three stars. I guess I really wanted more from the film because even though the director and choreographer understand what can be squeezed out of the actors (and that it definitely exceeds every conceivable limit of what we've seen so far), the plot, on the mental level of an arcade, just slips into a painful stereotype in the second half and just repeats what we've seen before. In addition, the final fight also loses a lot of its attractiveness, so if I want to contemplate this in the pub I'll take a big sip at the memory of the trick with the fridge, but the rest will be like that cheap catchphrase " know how that guy is going to beat up the other guy, right?" This likely says a lot about the fact that I'd regularly suffer through it a second time; in fact, I kind of envy those who are giving it perfect reviews. :) ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An assault of pure physicality that more than anything else harms its own aura. With the label "action spectacle of the year" or even the decade, the expectation automatically arises that something more will emerge from The Raid: Redemption than just a bloody brawl. It doesn't – and it's not necessary. In the catalog of Indonesian fatalities, the boiling adrenaline was most heightened by seemingly inconspicuous but deadly Mad Dog Yayan Ruhian. His main performance, in which he gradually transitions from rubber jumps, twists, and turns to gathering the last remnants of strength for the hardest blow, literally takes your breath away. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A bloody punch-up that is the perfect embodiment of the action adventure movie. The plot is maybe as simple as the thought processes of the Hotel Paradise guests, a SWAT team raids an apartment block of bad-ass killers and come up against tough resistance, but prevail. Amazing choreography, no shortage of brutality, blood splatters, fight dosage according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Yayan Ruhian is a killing machine and Iko Uwais is a grandmaster. Shinoda’s soundtrack is great for this movie. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Unbelievable carnage that surpasses most of what has been filmed so far. Where most directors shy away from pushing the envelope and move the camera or cut the shot, Evans keeps it in the frame with maximum detail in every scene. Very bloody, very brutal, and incredibly explosive in terms of choreography and audiovisual aspects. Is it possible to shoot something like this on such a pitiful budget? Americans (and everyone else) should take note, this is how pure action is filmed. The plot is irrelevant. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's as if Jackie Chan had swapped humour for brutality and in a film directed by John Woo, who got tired of guns. I enjoy straightforward action movies and The Raid is a perfect example of how they should look like. The film gets right down to business, everything feels real, honest, there's no time for big plot twists, it's a completely different, blood-soaked display of acrobatics that takes your breath away. In addition, the cramped setting of corridors, staircases and small apartments invites to invent more and more ways to destroy the hordes of villains, who sometimes jump from everywhere in the style of the undead from some modern zombie flick. I'd seen the films it has inspired (Dredd, The Princess, maybe even John Wick) before The Raid, but I didn't mind it at all. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is by no means a perfect film, the fight choreography, although shot in an absolutely breathtaking way, starts to get a bit tiring towards the end and some scenes are awfully exaggerated and contrived. But in spite of that, or maybe because of it, this is, I dare say, the best and most honest action flick ever made (The Rock is just such a weak concoction in comparison). I believe that even Chuck Norris would have to take his hands out of his pockets this time to get it all done in 100 minutes :-D ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I have to say that I was really surprised by what is still possible to do in an action movie. This is truly butchery. One apartment building and a proper group of people who want to kick some asses. There is shooting, but primarily hands and feet are used. These are the scenes that will absolutely blow you away, and you will be amazed. You don't just see such carnage easily. It's pounding from the beginning to the end, and moreover, it looks incredibly real. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An uncompromising action cutup that, despite the brilliant fight choreography, feels slightly repetitive, especially in its second half. In any case, the final impression is very strong, because I've probably never seen anything like it. A perfect example of a film where the characters themselves merely play second fiddle and where everything is strictly orchestrated for an intense, brutal action experience. ()