Jusqu'à ce que la fin du monde nous sépare

  • États-Unis Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (plus)
Bande-annonce 1


Que feriez-vous si la fin du monde arrivait dans 3 semaines ? C’est la question que toute l’humanité est obligée de se poser après la découverte d’un astéroïde se dirigeant tout droit vers notre planète. Certains continuent leur routine quotidienne, d’autres s’autorisent tous les excès, toutes les folies. Dodge est quant à lui nouvellement célibataire, sa femme ayant décidée que finalement, elle préférait encore affronter la fin du monde sans son mari. Il décide alors de partir à la recherche de son amour de jeunesse, qu’il n’a pas vu depuis 25 ans. Mais sa rencontre avec Penny risque de bouleverser tous ses plans. (SND)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais In the movie "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World," drama predominates, and it is understandable. Although there are moments where you can laugh, it is not a straightforward comedy. And even though Steve Carell is in the lead role, whom we associate with comedy, this actor doesn't have to only play in comedies to captivate. He has acting abilities, and his serious face fits perfectly in films like "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World." Together with Keira Knightley, they create a rather interesting couple who are preparing for the end of the world. Yes, the title of the movie is not a metaphor; a friend for the end of the world is truly being sought. Earth is expected to be hit by some object that will wipe out the entire population. There is nothing we can do about it; the end is inevitable. In this regard, it is clear that it cannot be a comedy, or at least it shouldn't. This film has so many layers that can be interpreted, but it always seems to me that the serious layer is better. We must accept that the end of the world is truly approaching. If we accept it, if we at least somewhat empathize with the characters, it is truly a powerful drama. Carell plays in a way that suits him in this case, and it is not difficult to immerse oneself in his role. The film presents several possible ways to cope with the end of the world. How would you cope with such a fatal situation? I know the film is far-fetched, but does it have to be about the end of the world? Can't we relate it to illness or even death? Is it better to know what fate has in store for us, or is it better not to know and be surprised by what comes? Everyone will probably answer differently. But this film hit the right note for me again, although it is largely because I am interested in the subject. More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2013/01/tobruk-valcik-s-basirem-2-dny-v-new.html ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I don’t think I’ve ever seen a truly bad post-apocalyptic movie. But this one is actually pre-apocalyptic. And it’s actually not all bad, either. For instance, the ending, that’s one big… well, big, a huge… wave of emotions that makes me tip my hat off to the authors. I could barely breathe while watching the ending. But the road trip itself was a bit worse. The crazy Keira Knightley and traditionally emotionless Steve Carell didn’t really excite me. Well, they only got me excited at the point when the ending starts and everything starts making sense. Until then, I definitely wasn’t too excited about this road trip. And I was sorry about that. I was saying to myself that under different circumstances it wouldn’t be so bad. It may also have been caused by my mood at the moment, but I think it was rather because of the Czech dubbing, which I found really bad. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An optimistic slant on the end of the world. A jolly voice on the radio at the beginning announces that humankind cannot be saved, and that the shuttle carrying Bruce to drill into that evil rock in Armageddon has blown up. So begins the journey of the main character who meets other characters who each react to the end of the world in their own way. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes very serious, sometimes utterly dumb. Mainly thanks to Keira, the romantic finale goes really well. But this movie won’t appeal to many. It successfully manages to miss all target groups. ()