
  • Grande-Bretagne Chained


Eight year old Tim and his mother Sarah are picked up by Bob, a deranged taxi cab driver on the hunt for his next victim. Tim witnesses his first murder, the murder of his mother, but it would not be his last. Bob keeps Tim as a reluctant protégé, forcing him to clean and bury the bodies of the young women he drags home. Now a teenager, Tim must make a life or death choice between following in Bob's footsteps or breaking free from his captor. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais One of them can’t be understood and the other looks like Robert Pattinson after a botched plastic surgery, great, really. Seriously, though, I would be very forgiving towards this well made exploitation film if it didn’t take itself so incredibly serious, especially since in several places it’s almost ridiculous. Lynch’s daughter tries to build an oppressive atmosphere around the boy’s hopeless situation (which works for the first few minutes), focusing on the psychological aspect of a kidnapper and his slave, but unfortunately, she’s unable to pull it off because she resorts to the most schematic methods and scriptwriting tricks conceivable, the sort that even authors of direct to DVD cheap horror trash would be ashamed of. This is in fact unacknowledged trash, just like every other film of this, the most boring and least interesting horror sub-genre (save a few honourable exceptions). And it’s that “unacknowledging” what bothers me the most. It’s really nothing special, not even in terms of inhumanity, perversion or violence. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Une psychologie de tueur en série très stricte et difficile à digérer ainsi que les causes de sa sociopathie. Et son influence à long terme sur « l'apprenti », un jeune garçon enlevé qui doit vivre avec lui. Leur relation de « mentor corrompu / élève souffrant » élève le portrait du criminel à un niveau supérieur en étudiant la perception et le comportement de deux personnages diamétralement opposés dans des situations extrêmes qu'ils vivent ensemble, mais de manière différente. Et cela peut aussi surprendre au niveau du scénario. Désagréable, paralysant, brillant. ()