No Offence - Season 1 (2015) (saison)

Entorse au règlement (S01E08)


VOD (1)


Dinah entre violemment en conflit avec Deering, ce qui ne manque pas de déclencher une chaîne d'événements rapidement irréversibles, tandis que les efforts pour sauver la vie d'une mère et de son bébé, tous deux gravement en danger, tournent brutalement au cauchemar. Le désastre n'est pas loin... (Groupe Canal+)

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Well, the creators finally took a decisive step towards a dramatic outcome in the finale, and I must say, they did well. Admittedly, there were moments where I found myself shaking my head in disbelief, but overall, the finale turned out to be quite good. There was tension, moral dilemmas were resolved, and although it was probably unintentional, there was a passage that irresistibly reminded me of a Home Depot commercial :-) The hook at the end of the season to reel viewers into the next season was the size and weight of a ship's anchor... 3*+ ()

Photos (6)