
Ancien agent du FBI, Sarah Moss travaille désormais pour une agence de renseignement privée qui protège les intérêts de puissants hommes d'affaires. Elle reçoit pour mission d'infiltrer The East, un mystérieux groupuscule éco-terroriste qui s'attaque aux multinationales coupables de dissimuler leurs agissements criminels. Déterminée, ultra entraînée, Sarah parvient à s'intégrer au groupe malgré leur méfiance, et doit même participer à leur prochaine action. Mais plus elle vit avec les membres passionnés de The East, en particulier Benji, l'anarchiste, plus elle se sent écartelée entre les deux mondes et s'interroge sur elle-même... (20th Century Fox FR)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais What is this supposed to be? An action film made artistically? An environmental drama with a message? I don't know what this film was trying to achieve, but I can only say that it didn't succeed in my case. Unlikeable characters that you simply can't root for, along with an attempt to tell the world that people behave horribly towards nature. They do, but why do we have to hear about it in a movie that should probably be primarily action-packed? Or at least pretend to be. This is an incredible farce, which, I hope, won't become a mass phenomenon, although it's clear that it's another response to how to make films that won't be Hollywood-like. Why wasn't this made as a documentary instead? ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A year ago Batmanglij made a big splash with his indie début Sound of My Voice. It was a demanding film, but the reward was an experience that didn’t dampen your brain activity; quite the contrary, its ambiguity and vagueness encouraged you to participate more actively. So it’s such a disappointment that his second film, The East, is basically silly and simplistic environmentalist nonsense that arrives to the unoriginal and shallow conclusion that “conservationists are good, corporations are bad, but the struggle against them should not cross certain boundaries” only thanks to the very unconvincing behaviour of the characters (especially the scene with the deaf girl). One of the closing scenes (the apple in the basket) literally made roll on the floor laughing – and I’m afraid the creators meant it seriously. ()