Life in Stills

  • Israël Hatzalmania
Israël, 2011, 58 min


Tamar Tal


Tamar Tal


Alberto Shwartz
(autres professions)


When her late husband Rudi’s life work, the “Photo House,” is due for demolition, stoic, traditionally-minded Miriam Weissenstein (96) starts a new chapter in her life. Only with the help of her homosexual grandson can she face up to the challenges she meets in her fight to preserve the shop – opposition from politicians, public appearances and getting to grips with modern means of communication. Overcoming a generation gap and a family tragedy, the pair join forces to save more than a million photographic negatives that document the development of Israel – pictures that attract worldwide attention. An inward and outward journey full of courage, humour and passion. (DOK.fest München)


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