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Steve Jobs est célébré comme un concepteur de génie dont les inventions ont révolutionné notre façon de vivre et de communiquer. Il est aussi connu comme l'un des chefs d'entreprise les plus charismatiques et les plus inspirants qui soient. Mais qui connaît l'homme derrière l'icône ? Qui sait quel parcours humain se cache derrière la destinée de ce visionnaire d'exception ? De l'abandon de ses études universitaires au formidable succès de sa société, voici l'incroyable histoire de Steve Jobs, co-créateur d'Apple Inc., l'un des entrepreneurs les plus créatifs et respectés du XXIe siècle. (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Vidéo (16)

Bande-annonce 2

Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Après son accueil frileux aux USA, ce film s’est révélé être pour moi une bonne surprise. Il ne traite pas de la vie privée de Jobs, mais plutôt de son rôle dans la création d’Apple et de la première phase de l’existence de l’entreprise. Sa vie personnelle n’est abordée que de façon marginale, quand il s’agit de décrire brièvement sa personnalité et son comportement face aux circonstances inattendues de la vie (lequel n’est pas des plus courant). L’axe narratif central explore sa façon d’aborder les événements professionnels : la passion pour son travail et la confiance inébranlable envers sa vision. Ça, plus les idées poussées qu’il exprime régulièrement, rendent le film inspirant et énergique ; de quoi vous *bousculer* gentiment dans la bonne direction. Et puis, on voit « comment c’était vraiment », ce qui ne manquera pas d’inspirer tous ceux qui caressent l’ambition de lancer une start-up depuis leur garage et dont la créativité se heurte à l’incompréhension d'investisseurs motivés par le profit rapide. Un petit film plaisant et utile du niveau des Hitchcock télévisuels et qui, évidemment, n’égale pas le raffinement scénaristique et la mise en scène de The Social Network. Ashton Kutcher est bien. La quatrième étoile de mon évaluation est purement subjective ; j’ai compris chacune de ses décisions, de ses exigences et de ses positions, et même la table en verre dans son bureau était similaire à la mienne. :-) ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Jobs was an incredible hard worker and visionary with a strong and inspirational character, regardless of how well the film is managed. In my opinion, it was maybe a bit short and sometimes too humorously presented. I would expect much more compelling plot twists in building the company, more psychology and moral dilemmas in the pursuit of fame that every successful entrepreneur has to overcome and solve, sacrificing something for something. Unfortunately, we don't get that completely here. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the movie, or rather, Ashton Kutcher's portrayal of Steve Jobs entertained me, he really tried hard. In some scenes, I could literally feel his frustration through the screen and most importantly, I understood him. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais jOBS is a commercially successful film, and I get it. Ashton Kutcher is a big name in Hollywood. But if you really, really want to know about Apple, go watch Pirates of Silicon Valley instead. It’s more objective, and in my opinion, feels more genuine and real. This movie is just too Hollywood—it doesn’t offer much new info compared to the other film, but it does present the story from a glossier, more dramatized perspective. Which isn’t all bad, because you still get a sense that Steve Jobs wasn’t exactly a saint. Both films agree on that. But jOBS softens it, making him seem like a good guy in the end... Classic Hollywood, right? ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The events of the story are engaging and interesting, but unfortunately the film is completely brought to its knees by one major problem: Ashton Kutcher's lacklustre and dull performance; he simply can’t handle drama. I don’t know how Jobs was in real life, but I’m very sure he wasn’t a cold fish with the same set expression and slight smile. What's more, the film doesn't make it so clear what Jobs struggled with most – himself, his almost morbid perfectionism and uncompromising egotism, where he was willing to go over dead bodies – but in Kutcher’s interpretation he looks more like a puppy who occasionally barks and bares its teeth. All those casually thrown situations don’t really explain what Jobs’s greatness was. Better read Walter Isaacson's book, it is infinitely more engaging and dramatic. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Actors are similar to their prototypes, which I appreciate. Michael Bay coughed up some resemblance in his "Sweat and Blood". However, it's not just about resemblance, but also about how they handled their roles. They took them on with skill and in essence, no one here ruins the whole movie from the characters' perspective. Ashton Kutcher doesn't stand out as much as other stars in the main roles of biographies, but that's good. Even Steve Jobs' life was about other people. Ashton sometimes exaggerates, but that's somehow part of him. Otherwise, he really tried and it shows. If he doesn't play in every garbage that brings him money, maybe he could still show the world that he is a capable actor. I'm quite curious about that. Otherwise, "jOBS" doesn't dazzle, but it's also not the flop I expected. More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2013/09/jobs-2013-60.html ()

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