Nos vemos, papá

  • États-Unis See You, Dad
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Pilar’s father is dead – a fact that threatens her near pathological dependence on him. Within a few short hours her life founders, and she withdraws into her own inner world. The dramatic plot does not provide much suspense, nevertheless this psychological story is very skillfully constructed. It ultimately reveals numerous extraordinary details, including Pilar’s relationship with her niece, with her brother, and her father. Script-wise, the effect used here is that of a tightening noose in which each event exacerbates the one to follow, and the audience is held in constant suspense. Yet the intelligent plot doesn’t portray aberrant behavior in any way, and we are not presented with extreme violence or any other similar excesses. The rhythm of the film is set by the main female character Pilar, whose psychological reactions are reflected in the tone of the scenes. This is a powerful debut from a highly talented director who took inspiration from innovative trends in the Mexican film industry but still managed to find her own style. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)


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