Le Mur Invisible

Bande-annonce 1

VOD (1)


Une femme se retrouve seule dans un chalet en pleine forêt autrichienne, séparée du reste du monde par un mur invisible au-delà duquel toute vie semble s'être pétrifiée durant la nuit. Tel un moderne Robinson, elle organise sa survie en compagnie de quelques animaux familiers et s'engage dans une aventure humaine bouleversante. (Bodega Films)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I'm at a loss for words with all my excitement, but I'll try to find them... Right from the beginning I was fascinated by the imagery and thought processes of the lonely woman and it didn't let go of me until the very end. If I could, I'd watch an extra hour of it. First and foremost, I shared fear and apprehension with the main character about the unknown. Then, I enjoyed her companionship with the animal beings and marveled at the beautiful nature, and subsequently, I was moved by the loss of her most faithful companions, especially her beloved dog. I ended up shedding tears for him; all the while, I was imagining if I could live like that. I came to the conclusion that if I had a dog, I would probably be able to last a year in that beautiful environment. I spend most of my free time alone with my dog, either at home, in the garden, or in the surrounding woods, and I can also collect wood for the winter. Catching something to eat would probably be a problem, but my dog Ben would certainly help me with that. I can't think of a film right now in which I can find such a wide range of emotions. I'm fascinated and saddened at the same time. (90%) ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I get that the creators of this movie wanted to show man’s coexistence with nature, which is no longer as natural as before. On the other hand, I didn’t like how they used the wall that you simply can’t cross to portray everything. Hence my rating. But hats off for the beautiful shots of a flowering valley in the Alps. I could watch that for the rest of my days. It’s a pity that the movie didn’t use it to its advantage far more. ()