The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him

  • Grande-Bretagne The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him (plus)


Eleanor (Jessica Chastain) aime Conor (James McAvoy) et Conor aime Eleanor. Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'un couple vivant en parfaite harmonie se retrouve soudain confronté à un événement tragique? Les deux films composant The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby racontent la même histoire d'amour, adoptant le point de vue de Conor dans Him et celui d'Eleanor dans Her, se renvoyant l'un à l'autre et s'emboitant comme les pièces d'un puzzle. (Imagine Film Distribution)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais First of all, I have to thank the Pilsen Film Club for screening Him and Her on the same night right after each other. If there was any more space between the films, I probably wouldn't rate them the way I do. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby is a perfectly crafted romantic drama with very believable performances, an impressively quiet atmosphere, and a rather unexpectedly evolving story that takes its time in revealing various important things, but doesn't drag on and doesn't get boring.____The first film, Him, is a really compelling look inside a young man coming to terms with what has come, and while he knows what he wants, he has no idea if or how he's going to get it. James McAvoy plays him brilliantly, and he has a great partner in Jessica Chastain, who is cold only until she smiles. Ciarán Hinds as his saintly father, who constantly fails to utter wisdom, is also sensational, and the staff at Conor's restaurant is a very likeable bunch. It's not a happy story, but it is full of hope. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français C’est exactement le genre de film qui a de quoi m’intéresser et me plaire, même si je pense que pour bon nombre de spectateurs, ces quatre-vingt-dix minutes seront plutôt perçues comme ennuyeuses et dépourvues de contenu. Moi, les drames relationnels m’enthousiasment et je me suis délecté de chaque prise, chaque dialogue et chaque scène qui impliquait Jessica Chastain. À chaque nouvelle sortie, cette actrice confirme qu’elle est l’une des plus remarquables de sa génération. Quant à James McAvoy, il lui convient à merveille en tant que partenaire. Le tout est relevé par la superbe BO et l’excellente scène finale. J'ai hâte de voir le film qui montre le point de vue d’Eleanor. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Seeing the fusion of the entire film and watching all three of them gives me the creeps, but in a reprehensibly negative way. Him is shorter, grittier and of course typically masculine. The upside is that it cuts to the chase and the actors, thanks to the well-handled emotions in the script, have a lot to work with and do it damn well. Plus, the female support in Her (Viola Davis) is ably reflected in Him by the male counterpart (Ciarán Hinds), as both play the the gender opposites of the same character. The idea of splitting it up is a solid one, although a lot of the scenes are the same but from the opposite perspective, but OK, it's original by the standards of the day. But I won’t bother with Them. ()