
C'est à l'hippodrome d'Epsom que Tommy doit commettre l'assassinat exigé par Campbell. Le jour dit, il espère échapper à son vieil ennemi et l'emporter du même coup sur les Italiens. Mais il n'est pas le seul à avoir peaufiné un plan d'attaque. (Arte)

Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Finally, the season finale managed to wipe away the bad taste left by the previous episode. Alfie Solomons would be lost without his notes on who his friends are, and the events at Epsom were genuinely entertaining. This is how the show should have been all along: fun and engaging with no dull moments. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais A superbly executed, fabulously paced mafia story with an excellent script, intensity and tension that could be cut with a knife. There are also two femmes fatales, moral dilemmas and a climactic finale. One of the best episodes, almost a full fledged film on its own right. ()


Photos (3)