
Marie's new love is almost too good to be true. It is Jesus himself who has returned to Earth in order to prepare Apocalypse. The chaotic Marie wins his heart, but is her love deep and selfless enough to get the Day of Judgment postponed? In this romantic comedy, Marie has an astonishing talent for falling in love with the wrong type of guy. Shortly after her wedding is canceled, she meets a carpenter. He's different from all the other men she has known before: sensitive, selfless and attentive. Unfortunately, on their first date, he tells her that he is Jesus. At first, Marie thinks he's got a few bats in his belfry, but the carpenter's story turns out to be true. He truly is the Messiah and has returned to earth ahead of the Day of Judgment, which is scheduled for next Tuesday... (texte officiel du distributeur)


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français Après la déception de Fack ju Göhte, j'avais désespérément besoin de miser sur les valeurs sûres et de me faire plaisir avec un film allemand, des critères que Jesus liebt mich remplissait parfaitement. La première moitié est quand même nettement plus forte que la deuxième, mais le niveau général reste toujours à un bon quatre étoiles. Florian David Fitz et Jessica Schwarz feraient un joli couple dans la vraie vie également. ()