
Emily Elizabeth (Darby Camp), une jeune collégienne, reçoit en cadeau de la part d’un magicien (John Clesse) un adorable petit chien rouge. Quelle n’est pas sa surprise quand elle se réveille le lendemain dans son petit appartement de New York face au même chien devenu … géant ! Sa mère (Sienna Guillory), qui l’élève seule, étant en voyages d’affaires, Emily s’embarque avec son oncle Casey (Jack Whitehall), aussi fantasque qu’imprévisible, dans une aventure pleine de surprises et de rebondissements à travers la Grosse Pomme. Adapté du personnage adoré de la célèbre série de livres Scholastic, Clifford va donner au monde une grande leçon d’amour ! (Paramount Pictures FR)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Original book subject is unknown to me, but when the asymmetric red digital dog appeared on the scene, not even trying to resemble a real dog, I was a bit taken aback. However, fortunately, the film brings out the classic certainties of a family film, so I forgave it with joy. John Cleese is captivating here and the whole thing was actually a terribly delightful film encounter. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Clifford the Big Red Dog is aimed mainly at a younger audience and it points out, sometimes aggressively, that people and living creatures in general should not be "judged by their cover". While this is still an extremely topical idea, it is served up too forcefully here. The cast is lackluster, save for the charismatic John Cleese and the occasionally funny Jack Whitehall, and the intended driving force of the whole film, "man's biggest friend" Clifford, was cute, but seemed somewhat oddly proportioned (head vs. body). Better two stars! ()