The Americans

  • États-Unis The Americans
Bande-annonce 1
États-Unis, (2013–2018), 57 h 17 min (Durée : 40–64 min)


Joseph Weisberg


Nathan Barr


Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Holly Taylor, Keidrich Sellati, Annet Mahendru, Noah Emmerich, Richard Thomas, Susan Misner, Alison Wright, Lev Gorn (plus)
(autres professions)

Saisons(6) / Épisodes(75)


Phillip et Elizabeth Jennings, deux espions du KGB dont le mariage a été arrangé, s'installent avec leurs deux enfants dans la banlieue de Washington au début des années 80, juste après l'élection de Ronald Reagan à la Présidence. Se sentant une certaine affinité pour le mode de vie américain, le couple voit ses convictions mises à rude épreuve. Assumer une double identité va devenir de plus en plus difficile pour eux, d'autant qu'en cette période de Guerre Froide, le moindre faux pas peut leur coûter la vie... (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critique de l’utilisateur·trice Necrotongue pour cette série (67)

The Americans (2013) 

anglais A spy series set in the cold war – right up my alley. Plus, it's very well-made and well-cast. I never claimed to be a pure soul or a defender of the light side, so I immediately took a liking to both protagonists. I found even Arkady more likable than Agent Frank Gaad most of the time. I guess it’s because the Soviets were explicitly evil, while the American fighters for democracy always played clean, with exceptions that occurred once, twice at most... But seriously, I think it was a win for the series that Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys hit it off in real life, the chemistry between them was amazing and contributed to a great overall atmosphere. At first, I found the character of Stan Beeman irritating, but Noah Emmerich gradually won me over and Season 6 wouldn’t have been half as good without him. Since I'm praising individual characters, I can't forget Alison Wright as Martha Hanson who was really excellent. Finally, a shout-out to the writers who maintained a high level of storytelling throughout the seventy-five episodes. I had a great time. ()

Season 1 (2013) (S01) 

anglais After watching the first season, I must say I like the show a lot. Cold War espionage is one of my favorite topics. The creators managed to perfectly capture the 1980s vibes, so there’s practically nothing to complain about. On the contrary. A special mention goes to the excellent soundtrack, which made me really enjoy the show. ()

Le Projet (2013) (S01E01) 

anglais I enjoyed the pilot episode of Americans, I like movies and series about undercover agents, double, triple, and multiple agents, the cast satisfied me completely, and from a filmmaking perspective, it also succeeded, so the series is very promising to me. ()

L'Horloge (2013) (S01E02) 

anglais The second episode seamlessly followed the introductory part, and it is quite clear that the creators will not limit themselves to just the basic story, but will allow the viewers to get to know the individual characters better, which is definitely a good thing. ()

La Clé (2013) (S01E05) 

anglais I really enjoyed the plot of the fifth episode, both sides have their irons in the fire, and the operatives as well as the informants are under enormous pressure. This portrayal of the Cold War works for me, the atmosphere is correctly paranoid and oppressive, and I quite enjoy it. ()

Un devoir sacré (2013) (S01E07) 

anglais The creators nicely followed up on the quality of the previous part and this time they let the plot unfold along two storylines, both of which were sufficiently interesting. In addition, the past and emotions of the main characters are again revealed, so I was absolutely satisfied. ()

L'Équilibre de la terreur (2013) (S01E08) 

anglais Although the eighth episode seemed slightly weaker to me than the two previous parts, it was interesting and had enough action and decent plot development. Well, I wouldn't want to be a spy, I wouldn't have to experience such hectic days like this. ()

La Planque (2013) (S01E09) 

anglais This time, I was not particularly enthusiastic; it was the weakest episode for me so far. The plot, however, was quite intense, lacking neither action nor atmosphere, but Beeman's memories of the great, heroic, and jovial Amador simply did not work for me. It may be because he has only appeared marginally in the series so far, so the creators' effort to make his death a significant loss felt too artificial to me. ()

Les Disparus (2013) (S01E10) 

anglais Better. The false tones that bothered me in the previous episode disappeared, and even though there was less action this time, the plot was interesting enough for me to give a decent rating. I just didn't understand why Gregory refused such a great offer, Moscow is beautiful in the spring, after all... ()

Le Serment (2013) (S01E12) 

anglais Again, a very solid episode that mainly deals with preparing the ground for future actions, which places considerable demands especially on "Clark". I must admit that so far, apart from the unconvincing ninth episode, I am thoroughly enjoying it. ()

Season 2 (2014) (S02) 

anglais Hats off to the creators for the second season. It's true that there were a few weaker moments, but the last three episodes made me forget all the negatives. I'm glad there hasn’t been a single filler episode that didn't contribute to the whole. On the contrary, each episode develops the story as well as the individual characters and the relationships between them. Plus, the positives from the first season are still there – the atmosphere, great story and soundtrack. ()

Cardinal (2014) (S02E02) 

anglais I was quite satisfied with the second episode, even though it didn't reach the quality of the previous one. The most interesting development takes place directly at the Soviet embassy this time and the plot has slightly slowed down, so this time it's 4*-. ()

Le Monde est petit (2014) (S02E03) 

anglais This time I went with a lower rating. The episode had its bright moments, although Elizabeth was as tough as cow's tongue during the relocation of ship propeller production, as my best friend says, but otherwise this episode didn't impress me too much. ()

Petite musique de nuit (2014) (S02E04) 

anglais No way! So it's impossible! I was satisfied again. Both hostile sides are dealing with internal problems, there is a new development in family relationships, and I'm starting to have an irritating feeling that Page's new hobby will soon get on my nerves. Yet it was such a pleasantly "church-free" series. However, the episode's ending was definitely action-packed and surprising. ()

L'Échange (2014) (S02E05) 

anglais The fifth episode appeared quite inconspicuous, but surprisingly worked well for me. There wasn't too much action, but this episode was interesting to me because of the abundance of very interesting conversations on both sides of the barricade. There were even talks through the barricade. So, I enjoyed it. ()

Arpanet (2014) (S02E07) 

anglais The seventh episode was not particularly amazing, the plot was slower this time, but I learned that if I train my sphincter diligently, the polygraph won't catch me off guard, and the debate about when it's still a bug and when it's already a rat amused me. 4*- ()

Une belle caisse (2014) (S02E08) 

anglais Similarly to the previous episode, nothing extraordinary happened, but at least one gained some interesting information and I understood that some people would let a creature live that would touch their gaming console without permission. I would handle such a situation with a blunt object. However, I expect more action from the next episode, it would be appropriate. 4* ()

Yousaf (2014) (S02E10) 

anglais The creators have returned to purely spy topics this time, while Captain Larrick lurks in the background as a mortal evil. I also enjoy how a long-term spy operation gets started in one episode, only to not be mentioned at all in the next episode. I'm curious when the unfinished Northrop employee will return to the scene. ()

Furtif (2014) (S02E11) 

anglais Great episode, the atmosphere was thick like fog around the Brčálník pond, personal relationships and professional matters became complicated for both the good and the bad, and Captain Larrick turned out to be a horror character. The creators really nailed it with this one. ()

Opération Chronique (2014) (S02E12) 

anglais The twelfth episode was equally as good as the previous one, as the second season comes closer to the end, its parts are getting better and better. It would be ideal if the creators succeeded equally well with the final piece, so far, they are on the right track. ()