
  • Grande-Bretagne Locke
Bande-annonce 2

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Ivan Locke a tout pour être heureux : une famille unie, un job de rêve... Mais la veille de ce qui devrait être le couronnement de sa carrière, un coup de téléphone fait tout basculer... (Metropolitan FilmExport)

Critiques (10)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français C'est comme si on avait capturé en temps réel, à l'aide de caméras cachées, un homme au volant traitant une situation de vie difficile par téléphone, et qui pourrait bouleverser sa vie professionnelle et personnelle en une seule nuit. Une situation qui le met à l'épreuve tant sur le plan du caractère, formé par une enfance difficile, que sur le plan professionnel, dans le maintien de son ambition dans la responsabilité de la réalisation réussie d'une cause sociale importante. Et comme si c'était un homme charismatique dont vous compreniez et sympathisiez avec les émotions et dilemmes. Il suffit ensuite de le monter en 85 minutes fluides et vous obtenez un thriller captivant sous forme d'une étude de caractère remarquablement jouée. Tout le monde ne le comprendra pas, tout le monde ne se comporterait pas comme lui, c'est pourquoi le film est également un test intéressant pour l'échelle de valeurs du spectateur. La vie peut être une chienne, mais pour un bon film on en a besoin que de quelques élements. Quand on sait comment s'y prendre. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Un excellent solo de Tom Hardy, qui conduit pendant 90 minutes dans une voiture et personne d'autre n'apparaît dans le film. Sa vie s'effondre, sa maîtresse accouche, sa femme déçue pleure et vomit, et en plus, il doit faire venir 218 camions de béton en neuf heures pour la plus grande construction en béton de l'histoire de l'Europe. Les dialogues se déroulent progressivement dans des conversations téléphoniques s'intensifiant, et ils sont excellents (d'un autre côté, les monologues de Hardy sont un peu laborieux et pas aussi intéressants). Formellement, cela rappelle un peu le film Buried (qui se déroule entièrement dans un cercueil). Le réalisateur et scénariste Steven Knight a remarquablement bien géré ce sujet difficile et a déployé un drame pleinement fonctionnel et réaliste dans un espace minimaliste, qui réussit à divertir tout au long (et a aussi ses moments amusants). ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The thriller label that Filmbooster and IMBD gave to Locke generates the wrong expectations. I waited pretty long for those family and work phone calls to be interrupted by some extortionist or psychopath who would terrorise the protagonist over the phone. Yet, to my surprise, nobody like that called and the entire film stayed with the work and family calls. But it wasn’t boring even for a second, which must be credited to all interested parties. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Imagine a movie that takes place in a car and it has a single character whom you watch for the entire hour and a half. I can’t help but be happy with the result, because Tom Hardy delivered a great performance. Steven Knight, in turn, did a great job directing this movie so I was on tenterhooks the entire time, bating my breath and wondering how easy it is to mess up your entire life. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A road movie with a depressing aftertaste. Hardy and his BMW never leave the screen and just watching the suffering in the face of the former is worth it. A self-confident person slips slowly into being a mental wreck, but you don’t find out if he goes over the edge until the end. One mistake, one road, one bad day. Donald, don’t trust God when it comes to concrete! ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais On a minimum of space, there are quite a lot of emotions, for which, rather than the clumsy script (hysterics on the phone, talking to oneself in the rearview mirror?), the great Tom Hardy is responsible. Then there is also the best advertisement for the BMW multimedia interface in recent years and a few neon lights taken digitally to give it atmosphere. But there is no reason to dwell on it too much. It lacks "substance" and it’s far from solid. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The line between happiness and damnation can be dangerously fragile. Nothing groundbreaking, but nevertheless unique in the way it presents to the viewer the theme of the total inner disintegration of a balanced personality; from the first person, in the closed world of one car, where the work and personal lines of a major life transition collide over the phone, changing the protagonist's life from hour to hour. The conversations are well-written and give ample space to portray the psychological and emotional levels of Tom Hardy, whose performance again beautifully complements the depressing narrative tone and adds an unadorned authenticity to everything. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Hardy just needs to be placed in a car, given a quality script, and he will conjure up a minimalist acting concert for you through phone calls that will slowly wrap you around his finger. Ivan Locke loses everything he has built during a single - not even two-hour - drive (literally). I enjoyed slowly figuring out what kind of person Ivan really is. Although I found him quite likable - especially through phone calls where he discussed matters related to the upcoming massive construction project involving concrete pouring - I rather empathized with the people in his closest circle (wife, children, "mistress") whom he manipulated without fully realizing that he was doing many things wrong. Instead, he lied to himself, convincing himself that he had only made one mistake, and even for noble reasons. But the world is not black and white, and his character is too complex to unequivocally say whether he is a good or bad person. And that's why Locke feels so real and convincing. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Outside of Locke, Steven Knight was the writer and director behind the ambitious but somewhat sympathetically infantile Hummingbird, starring Jason Statham, whose central motif was once again man, his principles, ineffable cyclicality, and the surrounding world, which is the enemy. The screenplay for Locke is basically brilliant, and I'll give a nipple for the fact that it was written in the introduction that film databases of the world would call the genre a thriller, of which it has some of the parameters (the action takes place almost in real time, a protagonist removed from his environment, dealing with hostility all around), but otherwise it's a pure drama about how a basically systematic protagonist decides to take an unexpected step and pragmatically carries it out according to his principles and procedures. It's terribly easy to keep a relative distance from Locke thanks to its ambition and an ending that few will probably find satisfying, except that you sort of have to admit that this is a genuinely bold move from director Steven Knight, comparable to the central character's struggle for his perceived soul. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Tom Hardy can fully demonstrate why he is such a great actor. The camera focuses only on him the whole time, we don't see anyone else. To carry the entire film like this is an art and only a few actors can do it. Like Robert Redford, for example. Tom Hardy also belongs to them, and even though it's actually a relatively simple story and no epic things are addressed, it's still thrilling. An hour and a half of one person's life. It shows that our lives are not boring at all. ()