VOD (1)


Sous l'impulsion de Jaha, Arkadia se prépare à partir pour le bunker, mais le groupe de Jasper refuse tout de même de se joindre à eux. Clarke et Roan apprennent qu'Indra ne compte pas laisser les Azgeda investir le bunker sans d'abord entrer en guerre contre eux. Clarke cherche alors une solution pour apaiser les tensions et permettre à tout le monde de pouvoir survivre. Auprès d'Ilian, Octavia essaye de tourner la page de sa vie de guerrière mais le naturel reprend vite le dessus... (Canal+)


Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Secretly, throughout the whole time I was watching the episode, I was looking forward to using a quote from Hunger Games in the comment, and KM Phoenix blew that opportunity for me. Anyway, I was pleased that this time not only the privates of the 13th company were dying, but the creators didn't hesitate to sacrifice two prominent characters. I was just unpleasantly surprised by the reaction to the radioactive rain again, while last time there was some inadequate decontamination going on, this time everyone let it bubble in peace. The third star was for the line: "You can't hide forever!". Anyone who has ever played Syphon Filter 1 surely remembers, like me, the Lincoln Memorial. Of course, I'm talking about Abraham Lincoln. ()