Les 101 Dalmatiens

  • États-Unis One Hundred and One Dalmatians (plus)


Pongo et Perdita, deux magnifiques dalmatiens, ont un beau jour quinze bébés chiens. Leur joie et celle de leurs maîtres, Roger et Anita, serait sans ombre si l’infâme Cruella, ancienne camarade de classe d’Anita, ne convoitait les chiots pour la réalisation d’un manteau de fourrure. Un soir, profitant de l’absence du couple, les méchants Jasper et Horace font main basse sur la portée. Pongo et Perdita se lancent alors dans un plan de sauvetage désespéré qui va les conduire à mener vers l’évasion non pas 15, mais quelques 99 chiots… (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I know the live-action version and I think I've never seen this animated version before. I must say that it has the same charm as the live-action version, plus it is complemented by great scenes that could not be done in live-action. The rescue of the puppies is really well done and is a crucial part of the movie, of course, along with the strong family emotions. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais As much as I like movies with canine heroes, 101 Dalmatians didn't really appeal to me, despite the large number of barking characters. The film doesn't have any downright humorous scenes, and despite the suspenseful nature of the plot, I wasn't really riveted, except perhaps at the very end. The only scene that made any kind of impression on me was the dog march in the blizzard, otherwise it was more of a sequence of scenes that lacked the real verve. Even the main villain, Cruella De Vil, didn't have the right bad-ass-charisma. ()