L'Étrange Vice de Madame Wardh

  • Belgique Les Nuits folles de Mme Wardh (plus)


Julie Wardh cache un secret derrière sa vie bourgeoise et son extraordinaire beauté. Pendant un séjour à Vienne avec son mari, elle doit faire face à un vice qu'elle croyait enterré dans son passé. Un mystérieux killer au rasoir cherche à la tuer et sème la terreur dans la ville. (Neo Publishing)

Vidéo (1)


Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Unexpectedly, Vienna is a cool place for a Giallo murder mystery and it was nice to see that the area around Schönbrunn, its park and dark corners, still looks just as sexy after 50 years; too bad the ending wasn't just as sexy. Yeah, it's got suspense, it's got style, it's got atmosphere and the beautiful Edwige Fenech, but the final weak twist sent the whole experience down the drain. Such a muddled script is unworthy of Sergio Martino's skill. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Italian giallo, with its film "Lo strano vizio della Signora Wardh," once again showed its beautiful face to me and I was reassured that this is unequivocally a genre that suits me, a genre that I can enjoy because it is something that can keep me on edge, a genre that interests me. Keeping the viewer's attention is not easy, but here I was truly just watching with anticipation, wondering what the twist would be. It is definitely not bad. ()

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